To import an exported Elementor site:

  1. Go to WP Admin.
    image 67 Export and import Elementor sites 13

  2. Select Elementor>Tools.
    image 68 Export and import Elementor sites 15

  3. In the right pane, click the Import/Export Kit tab.
    image 69 Export and import Elementor sites 17

  4. Scroll down to the Import Kit section, and click Start Import.
    image 70 Export and import Elementor sites 19

  5. Drag and drop the exported zip file into the window or click Select File and navigate to the zip file.
    You may receive a warning about importing zip files. If you created the zip file or trust the source of the zip file, continue with the import.
    image 71 Export and import Elementor sites 21

  6. Click Next

  7. Select which parts of the kit you want to import.
    1. Templates: imports site parts such as headers and footers plus any template you saved. Only select this if you want to recreate the elements of the site with different content. 
    2. Content: Imports the pages, posts and custom post types. Good for importing the text and images in the kit. 
    3. Site Settings: Import the global fonts, theme style, layout, lightbox and background settings. Only select this if you want to replicate the look and feel of the site.
      If you want to import the entire site as is, select all three.
      image 72 Export and import Elementor sites 23

  8. Click Import.
    You may receive a warning that the kit contains svg files.If you created the export kit or trust the source of the export kit, Enable svg imports.
    image 73 Export and import Elementor sites 25

  9. Click Close to end the import process.